I’ve sat on the sidelines for the most part as the Follow Friday phenomenon took off on Twitter (compared to my sporadic but insane participation in the Music Monday meme). Then I took a look at Steve Woodruff’s post yesterday about improving Follow Friday (thanks, Beth) and thought I’d take a few shots at following that approach. NOTE: I also checked out Andy’s post about it after the fact – and found it quite useful as well, though I’m using more of Steve’s suggestions for now).
I already know that I’ll get grief after the planned weekly posts hits the Interwebs with people saying that I didn’t consider this person or that company, but that means that you may be interested in checking back in the following week to see if they were on the new list.
So, taking a cue from Scott’s posed question:
which three (3) of my Tweeple would I most want to go on a wine-testing with, & why?
Under the influence of women
Published by Andre on March 8, 2010Last night’s Academy Awards were poignant for those who recognized the strength of the women who won, leading me to think about just how influential women have been in my life – and that influence runs pretty deep right now.