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Dre’s 101 in 1001: Poetry – Confusion in Utopia

I wrote this piece a long, LONG time ago. I’ve edited a couple of lines, so it reads better, but I just wanted to see what people thought of it. Let me know what you think.

Her beauty enraptures me,
Envelops me
With false sense of security.
Her glowing smile and soft eyes
Play innocently with my emotions.

Her voice enchants my very soul
With o most joyous melody
Providing bliss and ecstasy,
Within my heart, great pleasure.
Yet with the second measure
My joy, the song was severed
With the words, “I thought I did,
But know I now that I will truly never…

For fear that you would open to me
And knowledge gained prevent me to see
the beauty contained within you
allowing forever our love be true?

For you sought and found my inner self
And discovered my desires
But feared to deal
With wonder or vulnerability
My inner fire that drives me.

I guess love this is not
For trust and time are required
And within this mockery of relationship
The former long ago expired.
And when next in love, I will not hurry
For I should by now realize
To rush is to be sorry.

And although my mind has realized
My statement to be true,
My heart
At next view of beauty
Will be quick to say “I love you!”
Without inquiry.

Enjoy the evening.


Published inDre's 101 in 1001