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My last minute wish list

If you were to ask my parents about me and shopping at Christmastime as a young child, they’d no doubt tell you that both my brother and I were already armed and ready to do battle with others in stores the day after Thanksgiving (albeit later in the day).

We’d have already poured over our options for new toys and games well before the first balloon ever made its way down to Herald Square and we knew enough to recognize the fact that it was usually cheaper to go shopping over in Jersey than it was to head downtown. We had lists prepared down to the last cent and were happy to see what Santa got us on Christmas morning after we’d finished our own shopping spree at the beginning of the season.

It’s a different story nowadays.

In recent years I think some would consider me lazy; I’ve become horrible at letting others know what I’d be interested in for the holidays. I can’t really explain why either. I don’t think that anyone would turn down a chance to put a list of things out there in hopes that some of them come in intentionally, though apparently I have.

Instead of being ready when folks start asking “What do you want for Christmas?” with a list of needed items, I’ve gotten used to riding out most of the season being optimistic about what may end up under the tree.

I’m realizing though that I can’t do that forever, especially since I’m sure that the yearly silence after being asked by Betsy’s family and my brother about what I want for Christmas will grow old eventually.

It is December 21, but I figured posting a wish list today is better than not posting one at all. I figured it may give some other folks some good ideas for last minute gifts for those of us that don’t necessarily voice their wants (or maybe you can make some suggestions for gifts in the comments section as well).

I’ll also warn you that there are Amazon Affiliate links to some of the items below. I just don’t want folks thinking that they’ve been tricked to click on links or anything like that.

OK, here we go…